Henry QIU

Henry QIU

Computer Scientist and Game Player

2023 Ramblings

2023 has just passed, experiencing some reflection, anxiety, and relief.

Academic Ramblings#

At the end of 2022, the main academic work I was involved in encountered a reviewer with a poor professional attitude, which resulted in a waste of energy and time for myself and my collaborators. This led to a continuous self-doubt and sense of emptiness. Although I had previously experienced similar situations, the extent of this one far exceeded expectations: a colleague procrastinated for nearly a year before giving an evaluation like "this work on 'adjective A + noun B' does not fit the scope of the 'journal of noun B'."

So, in the second year after the initial draft of this work was completed, we made modifications and resubmitted it, despite the explosive development of related technologies in the field. Finally, at the end of 2023, it was accepted. I would like to express special thanks to my mentor and collaborators for their affirmation and support in this work.

Although several other leading and collaborative projects did not go as smoothly, they did not deviate too far from expectations. Perhaps it is the fate of researchers to seek a balance between self-confidence and self-doubt on the slope of life. The doctoral stage is likely to be the last phase of a career where one can fully focus on a single research topic. I hope to enhance my ability to manage multiple parallel projects in the future.

Idle Thoughts#

Time has suddenly fast-forwarded to the potential end of my academic career (perhaps), and I have started receiving frequent invitations from headhunters. Based on my observations, the most urgent hiring directions this year are multimodal large models and quantitative trading.

Based on my judgment of the maturity of the domestic financial market, I did not delve deeper into quantitative trading. However, the work on multimodal large models keeps coming at me: from BERT to LLAMA, from ViT to Diffusion, from MoE to RLHF. As someone who does research on basic machine learning theory, it feels strange to be asked if I have experience with large models. After all, my work experience is clearly stated, some basic ML theory, some AI+Web3 PoCs, and no work experience at OpenAI or MetaAI (laughs). Perhaps this is the case of "a mountain seen from afar appears small, but a person seen from afar appears insignificant." We tend to consider our knowledge in our own field as common sense, while regarding some truly essential life knowledge as ancient whispers.

At this year's conference, I saw a lot of work on prompts or tuning for LLMs, which always made me feel like a craftsman facing the optimization problem of a weaving machine. The acquisition, retrieval, and distribution of information have always been the core functions of the Internet. Are our technological accumulation, governance rules, and moral standards truly ready to embrace this great transformation? I can't say for sure, but this question will definitely persist for a long time. After all, even the smartest people in the academic community like Ilya Bengio are just beginning to explore.

Ramblings about Leisure Life#

In 2022, I finished reading about fifty books on WeChat Reading. This year, I haven't kept track, so I'm sure I read fewer books, but I read more articles, blogs, and physical books outside my research field. Overall, the difference in reading volume is not significant.

Because of my work on recommendation systems, I continued to adhere to the principle of "deciding my own information acquisition." I rarely spent time on the recommended information streams provided by software platforms and did not download short video apps. Our precious time and attention should not be consumed as commodities, if possible.

Machines are learning, humans are hooked. This is not the future that we, as machine learning researchers, are striving for, but rather a dystopian cyberpunk story. This year, I also played the DLC of Cyberpunk 2077, sending the Night City bird to the moon, just like V and Rebecca. The stories of EVA, Ghost in the Shell, 2077, and BioShock intertwined in that moment, and the moon became a faint light called hope.

And then, at the end of 2023, I arrived on the moon (To be continued).

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